Hi all,
We wanted to wish all of the Idaho motorbike and ATV riders a happy New Year for 2010 and remind folks about the dynamic content on the http://www.stayontrails.com/ web site.
Our web site, which was completely revamped last summer, features a number of informative videos,
including the most recent one about how to register your OHV in 2010. The video can be viewed on the front page of the web site, on YouTube, or on the Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation web site.
We also wanted to give OHV riders a head's up about ongoing budget cuts at the Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation. In a recent article in the Challis Messenger, IDPR Director Nancy Merrill talked to Custer County officials about the potential closure of Land of the Yankee Fork State Park. This is a brand new park near Challis that features a number of motorized trails for motorbikes and ATVs, many historic points of interest, and it's located adjacent to hundreds of miles of motorbike and ATV trails in the surrounding Salmon-Challis National Forest.
If you value the new park, you may want to keep a close eye on the 2010 session of the Idaho Legislature, and let legislators know that you value Land of the Yankee Fork State Park.
Otherwise, please keep us informed about new information of interest to OHV riders in Idaho. If you have ideas about adding new trails to our where-to-ride section -- the most popular spot on our web site -- please let us know! And if you know of important subjects that would be of interest on our blog, please pass the word.
Send suggestions to Steve Stuebner, campaign coordinator for the Idaho OHV Public Outreach Campaign, at sstuebner@drakecooper.com.
Thanks and here's to a safe and responsible riding season in 2010!
- SS